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Container Loading Supervision

ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency.
ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory.
Presence across India & Overseas.
More than 15 years of experience.

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Why are container loading and unloading inspections important?

The handling of shipping containers often results in problems that can impact the quality of your goods during transportation. We see water ingress from leaks and the resultant rotting wood or mold, breakdown of weatherproofing around doors etc.

In addition, some product suppliers often enforce a particular method of lading, hence resulting in poorly packed containers, thereby increasing rate of damaged goods or costs from poor stacking.

These issues can be mitigated with the help of container loading and unloading inspection, thereby saving you money, loss of goodwill with customers, aggravation and time too.

Container Loading and Unloading Inspection Services

This Container Loading Inspection usually takes place at the factory of your choice as the consignment is being loaded into the shipping container and at the destination where your cargo arrives and is unloaded. The supervision and inspection process includes verification of the product data; packaging compliance, quantities loaded and unloaded, an assessment of the condition of the shipping container, and overall monitoring of the unloading and loading process.

Container Loading and Unloading Inspections

Container and Unloading Inspections service guarantees that CIL technical staff is supervising the entire process of cargo loading and unloading. Wherever your goods are shipped to, or loaded, our team of inspectors is able to supervise the whole container loading process to your selected destination. CIL inspection service ensures your goods are handled skillfully and guarantees the safe arrival of your goods to your designated location.

Container loading and unloading inspection process

Any shipping container loading and unloading supervision and inspection starts with container assessment. If the container is in good shape and the cargos are 100% well packed and confirmed, then the loading and unloading supervision process continues.

The CIL inspector confirms that the right goods were packed and that all of the client’s terms and specifications were met. While the shipping process commences, the inspector ensures that the right amount of goods unit is being loaded and unloaded; that it is not shortchanged.

Loading inspection process:

  • Full inspection and assessment of the shipping container to evaluate any damage, perforations, interior moisture, and smell test to detect rot or mold.
  • Verify the quantity of good and conditions of shipping cartons.
  • A record of the shipping container and vehicle transportation number, the arrival time of the shipping container, and a record of the weather condition.
  • Random collection of sample cartons to confirm the packaged products in the shipping cartons.
  • Supervise the container loading and unloading process to guarantee minimal damage, proper handling, and maximum space utilization.
  • Proceed to seal the container with the customs and CIL seal.
  • Take record of the departure time of the container and the seal numbers.

Unloading inspection process:

  • Record the container time of arrival at the destination.
  • Witness the opening process of the container.
  • Check the validity of the unloading documents attached to it.
  • Check the packing, amount and marking of the goods.
  • Supervise the unloading process to see if there are any damaged goods.
  • Check the cleanliness of the shipment and unloading area.

Main Container Loading and Unloading Supervision Checklist

  • Condition of shipping container
  • Product packaging and shipment quantity.
  • Randomly pick cartons to see if they are the right product.
  • Supervise the whole container loading and unloading process
  • Finally seal container with customs seal and CIL seal and witness the opening of the shipping container.

Container Loading and unloading Inspection Certificate

By sealing the shipping container with our tamper evident seal, client can be rest assured that there has been no external tampering of their goods after our container loading supervision takes place.

The whole container opening process will be witnessed after the cargo arrives at the destination.

CIL is your best choice for ensuring quality during the supply chain of your whole shipping process. Our container inspection services guarantee you an honest and accurate evaluation of your goods and container.


Senior Sales Manager

CIL is committed to good professional practice through Quality in Inspection, Testing, Support, and Service. Our mission is to supply our clients with on-time delivery of inspection/test results and services, which are of the best possible quality and consistently meet the performance criteria.

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